WEEDS installation near Sacramento

This is an owner-built system in Northern California. The video links show WEEDS operation under windy conditions.Photos and videos used with permission.  ...



WUI Encyclopedia Article

Wrote chapter “ Radiant Heat ” in the Encyclopedia of Wildfires and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Fires .

Wildland Fire Still an Unsolved Problem

SOURCE:  RAMONA SENTINEL Michael Scott-Blair’s two articles in the July 9th Sentinel on retired Chief Steve Butler’s efforts to raise fire awareness and on his fire equipment company raise a number of important issues that people living in the San...

California Office of the State Fire Marshal Task Force on Wildfire Protection Building Construction

Assisted the State Fire Marshal’s Office in establishing a framework for testing ignition-resistant construction proposed for the 2010 update to the California Building Code, Chapter 7A.  Final draft 5/21/2009. Chapter 7A Task Force Recommendations ...

Power Lines and Wildfire

Power Lines and Wildfire

The CPUC Risk-Based Decision-Making Framework

July 2023 As part of the S-MAP proceeding I was recently invited to give a presentation on tail risk and consequences for utility risk planning by the CPUC's Safety Policy Division. This is shown on the CPUC YouTube channel below. Tail risk and...

Reviewing Utility Wildfire Mitigation Plans - 2023

By California statute, electrical utilities must provide a complete Wildfire Mitigation Plan every three years, with yearly updates. The WMPs are submitted to the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety (OEIS) and then to the California Public...