
Solving problems in the
Wildland-Urban Interface

Joseph W. Mitchell, Ph.D.
Phone: 858 228 0089

Power Lines and Wildfire

MGRA Testimony to the California Public Utilities Commission on San Diego Gas & Electric's Proposed "Sunrise Powerlink" Transmission Line


The analysis for MGRA continues, with powerline contributions from the October 2007 fires, an anomalously high number of power line fires in San Diego County, implications of another 230 kV fire in 2007, and some inconsistent SDG&E wind calculations.

Testimony to the California Public Utilities Commission Regarding the Sunrise Powerlink Project

San Diego Union Tribune Op-Ed: The PUC Should Deny This Plan Outright

SOURCE:  UNION-TRIBUNE:  http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2009/may/10/puc-should-deny-plan-outright/?uniontrib

By:  Diane Conklin and Joseph Mitchell, May 10, 2009

The shut-off plan is widely disliked — not because it can’t work but because it works for SDG&E instead of for its customers.

The September 2009 CPUC Decision on the SDG&E Shut-Off Plan

Proposed decisions were issued in August. Comments and reply comments opposing the shut-off plan were filed on behalf of MGRA. The cost/benefit analysis initially proposed by M-bar Technologies and Consulting, LLC and other issues raised in our filings were cited as a key reasons for the Commission denial of the SDG&E shut-off plan.

Proposed Changes to California Power Line Safety Regulations

VIEW PDF - Proposed Changes

The 2008-2011 rulemaking instituted by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is intended to make changes to current California regulations in order to reduce the likelihood of power line fire ignitions in hazard areas. Several rules were introduced by MGRA including:

January 2010 Submission to the Victorian Royal Bushfires Commission

This submission describes current academic work as well as activities before the California Public Utilities Commission on powerlines and wildland fire.  Five of the eleven “Black Saturday” fires under investigation by the Royal Bushfires Commission were reportedly due to power line ignitions.